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  • Final Hidden Kingdom Romance!

    It's sad to say goodbye to the Hidden Kingdom and the royal family, but I have absolutely loved writing these stories and Royal Fake Fiancé is the perfect heartbreaking, fast-paced, and romantic story to end on. Prince Darian is the last single prince and such a charmer that every woman is after him, but he can only imagine Zara in his arms. He may be injured and off his game, but with the help of Zara's twin brothers and the entire royal family, he will somehow convince her to love him. Read more here.

  • Giveaway!

    Win a $25 gift card and the new Stuck Together for Christmas Collection by clicking here or entering below. Hugs and thanks, Cami

  • Royal Battle Release!

    Royal Battle is here! I love this intense, romantic, and heartbreaking story. Click here to buy or borrow the book. Hugs and happy reading, Cami Royal Battle: Samson Cohen is the dissenter’s leader. He has a huge chip on his shoulder, would rather fight than talk, and carves his existence out of the earth. He only has one weakness—he loves Princess Constance. Constance Magnum is adored by everyone in the kingdom of Magna but only one man will do for her. A tough, hostile dissenter who refuses to let down his guard and let her love him. Will her kisses overcome his stubbornness or is Samson stronger than Constance’s allure? From USA Today Bestselling author Cami Checketts comes a new series full of romance, adventure, and family secrets. The Hidden Kingdom Romances: #1 - Royal Secrets #2 - Royal Security #3 - Royal Doctor #4 - Royal Mistake #5 - Royal Courage #6 - Royal Pilot #7 - Royal Imposter #8 - Royal Baby #9 - Royal Battle #10 - Royal Fake Fiancé

  • Royal Baby

    I hope you all love this intense, fun, and inspiring new romance! I had so much fun writing Royal Baby and found myself laughing and crying. Reagan shares movie quotes all the time and it just made me chuckle. Here is what reviewers are saying: "Oh my, where do I start? I think this was my favorite, although they've all been excellent. Kingston was just so awesome, and Reagan was so perfect for him!! Great chemistry! loved the movie lines! This was such a fun, good read, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone who loves good clean books. Can't wait for the next one, and will be sad to see this series end !" "This whole series is incredible. This particular book had me tearing up at the 30% mark. Normally if, and that is a big if an author can get me to tear up, its close to the end once the characters have played out. But Cami has the deep feelings of this passionate couple pulling at your heart strings right out of the gate. Excellent book!" Find Royal Baby here!

  • Enchanting Romance!

    Royal Imposter is out today! Our independent celebrity journalist stopped believing in happily ever after and fairy tales years ago, but one incredible crown prince is about to change her mind. I hope you love this new release as much as I do! Hugs, Cami Sassy journalist meets crown prince, aka World’s Most Eligible Bachelor, who unfortunately doesn’t want to spill his secrets. Sparks fly when Stella Watkins descends on Magna intent on securing the pinnacle article of her career. Prince Quinn isn’t sure if he should keep his distance or kiss her good and long. If he opens up to the irresistible reporter, he could ruin his kingdom by giving away secrets, or he might just find the next Queen of Magna. Don’t miss this this fast-paced and sweet romantic comedy with a side of suspense by USA Today Bestselling author Cami Checketts. From bestselling inspirational author Cami Checketts comes a new series full of romance, adventure, and family secrets. The Hidden Kingdom Romances: #1 - Royal Secrets #2 - Royal Security #3 - Royal Doctor #4 - Royal Mistake #5 - Royal Courage #6 - Royal Pilot #7 - Royal Imposter #8 - Royal Baby #9 - Royal Battle #10 - Royal Fake Fiance Find Royal Imposter here.

  • $200 Giveaway & 4 Book Prize Baskets!

    I absolutely adore Jessie Gussman and was stoked to join forces with her for this huge giveaway. Click here to enter or use the Rafflecopter form below.

  • The Royal Pilot!

    Royal Pilot is out today and I have to say that I knew I'd love the easy-going, smiling Treck's story but I had no idea how much I'd adore Haven and her funny quips peppered with British slang. I also didn't know how intense this story would get. It was so much fun to write. I hope you love it too. Hugs, Cami Excerpt: Treck spoke, and she blinked, unable to believe the gorgeous island was still there in real life. “I’m low on fuel right now, but I could be persuaded to give you an airplane tour and a Humvee tour of the island while you’re here.” There was something cautious in his voice. Had this incredible man been hurt or rejected? No. She couldn’t believe that was possible. Haven turned to him, loving that slow grin on his face and the sparkle in his dark eyes. “Could you truly? I want to see it all and experience it all.” Her whimsical dreams were about to come true. She’d been a fanciful child and of course loved fairy tales and the thought of handsome princes. Treck was more handsome than any prince she’d ever seen. She looked back at the island as they swooped down. The Canary Islands had nothing on this. Nothing except her friend Blaire who was in the devil’s grasp. She prayed for Blaire and then focused on Treck. “I am gobsmacked, truly. England is beautiful and green, but this blinding place looks like something out of my dreams. Thank you for offering to give me a tour.” His grin broadened, and she wondered if she’d dream about him tonight. Then his smile disappeared as he said, “I hope no one ever smacks you.” “What?” Her throat tightened. Did he know? Thomas had never hit her, only pulled out the gun when she supposedly broke his heart, but two boyfriends previous to him? Jamison… he had hit her. She’d run fast from him and barely restrained her dad, mum, and little brother from chasing him down with the kitchen shears. She had reported it to the authorities, gotten a restraining order, and it was on Jamison’s record, so if a woman was smart enough to Google him, she’d see it. “Gobsmacked?” he teased. “Oh.” She laughed uneasily. “I get it. Ha.” “I’m uneducated in British slang.” They swooped closer to the town, castle, and church. Farmers’ fields stretched out below them and the ocean was on their left, a beautiful sandy beach a ribbon along it. It seemed impossible for so much gorgeousness to exist in one place, and that included the handsome pilot bringing her here. “I could educate you,” she offered. “Sounds like the best offer I’ve ever had.” The plane dropped quickly and her stomach lifted, whether from the plane’s descent or his words she couldn’t be sure. It wasn’t an offer like an “offer.” She was simply being friendly. Keep reading here.

  • The Book You've Been Waiting For!

    Happy day Royal Courage is finally here! I've been waiting for Wes's story since he first appeared in Romancing the Island. Princess Leia is the perfect fun and feisty match for our kind, tough, too-handsome military hero. I love his courage and devotion to her. I hope you love this new book and this series. I don't want it to end. Hugs and thank you for all the support, Cami

  • Royal Mistake - New Release Today!

    I'm so thrilled that Royal Mistake is finally here. I love this story. It's romantic, intense, heartbreaking, and fun. I hope you love Stuart and Belle's story! Hugs, Cami Find Royal Mistake on Amazon.

  • Royal Doctor - Now Available!

    I'm so thrilled to announce that book #3 in the Hidden Kingdom Series is here! I love Alaric and Grace's fast-paced, touching, and romantic story. I hope you love it too! Find Royal Doctor on Amazon.

  • Incredible Giveaway and Charity Opportunity!

    I've got so many incredible things to share with you today. Click on any of the banners below to go to the sale, giveaway, or chance to help someone in need. Thanks for always being the best support! Hugs, Cami

  • Royal Security is here!

    I love this second-chance romance with just a bit of suspense and humor. I hope you love it too! Thanks as always for all the support and being the best fans ever. Hugs, Cami Find Royal Security on Amazon. Excerpt: As if her yearnings for the man created him, Malik stepped around a tall hedge. He saw her and stopped short. Then his lips curved up and his shallow dimples appeared. “Addie,” he murmured. Addie arched her eyebrows, trying to appear unaffected by him. “Are you heading back to your cattle then?” He slowly walked up to her. He moved with grace, strength, and power. Stopping directly in front of her, his gaze swept over her. “I have some hired help who will be fine without me. For the moment, I think it’s more important I stay close …” He didn’t finish who or what he was staying close to and she was dying to know. An odd silence fell between them, broken only by the trickling of a fountain and some footsteps on another path. Was somebody coming? She didn’t want her time with Malik interrupted. “Would you like to walk together?” she asked far too breathily. “I thought you’d never ask.” His dark eyes twinkled but something about his response, both the words and that twinkle in his eyes, stung. She had to be the one to ask. She’d been the one with the teenage crush that had been a source of embarrassment for both of them. Now he’d been waiting for her to ask? Why couldn’t he pursue her? He extended his elbow and she laced her fingers through it. The bulge of his bicep made her stomach do an odd flip and she forgot about any worries from their past. His crisp, clean scent washed over her. He gazed down at her with those dark eyes that seemed to capture her soul. They walked slowly along the path. Addie had never seen the garden look or smell more perfect than tonight. The sunset lit it with a soft glow and the manly clean scent of the flowers was so heady and incredible that Addie felt like she was floating. Wait a minute; that wasn’t the flowers. That was Malik’s scent and simply being close to him. Oh, my, she was in trouble. She glanced up at his strong profile. At that moment, he looked down. Their gazes caught and held. She loved the thick lashes shadowing his expressive eyes. She waited for him to say something, tell her that he could see she’d matured into an appealing woman. Or maybe that he was finally interested in her as only a man could be interested in a woman. When he said nothing, she shifted her weight and blurted out, “Did you leave the note under my door?” Even as she asked, she didn’t think it was him. It didn’t feel like something he would do, especially because his dark eyes showed no recognition. “A note?” His brow furrowed and his arm muscles got tighter under her touch. “What kind of note?” She swallowed, looked at the pink rosebushes and admitted, “I guess you’d call it a love note.” He turned fully to face her and gripped her upper arms with his hands. “Tell me exactly what it said.” She blinked up at him and snorted. “No. If you didn’t send it, then it’s none of your business.” Of course he hadn’t sent it. Malik wasn’t interested in her like that. He never had been; he was more prone to tease her than ever kiss her or care for her. Why would his feelings change now? Her cheeks burned and embarrassment raced through her. At the moment she didn’t like him very much. She pulled away from his touch. Footsteps approached from behind and Addie whirled to face the newcomer, half relieved to be done with this conversation and half wishing she had more time and could somehow discover if Malik did, or ever could, have any interest in her. That was pathetic and made her angry at herself. Stuart approached, a large smile on his face. “Princess Adelaide. Just the beautiful lady I’d hoped to find out here.” Addie couldn’t resist smiling at this handsome tough guy. She could tell that compliments didn’t come naturally to him and she liked that. Malik stepped in front of her, blocking her view of Stuart completely. “You are not welcome here,” Malik said sharply. “Malik!” Adelaide could not believe his nerve. She stepped to the side. Malik put up a protective hand as if she was in danger. “Stuart is our guest,” she said. “You will treat him with respect.” Stuart grinned and cracked his knuckles. She saw in that moment how dangerous this man could be. It shot an odd thrill through her. “That’s right. I’m your guest. You have to be nice to me.” A muscle popped in Malik’s jaw. He stepped into Stuart’s space. “If you try to send another love note to Addie or disrespect her in any way, I will kill you. Guest or not.” Addie’s stomach pitched. Malik was far too serious at the moment but his protectiveness made her feel cherished. Stuart chuckled easily. His dark eyes glinted with challenge. “I’d love to see you try.” “Send another note to her room and I’ll more than try.” “I’d love nothing more than to pummel you, pretty boy,” Stuart said, “but I didn’t send any note to the princess. I haven’t been anywhere near her room.” “You’d better never go near her room.” Oh, my, this was escalating to ridiculous. How could she calm them both down? Malik was acting like an overprotective warrior and Stuart was basking in the challenge. Stuart looked over at Adelaide. His dark eyes twinkled. “I’d happily visit her room, if she issued an invite.” A strange fire filled her abdomen. She wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear. What was he implying? She edged closer to Malik, suddenly uncertain if she liked this outsider’s attention. Malik glanced at her. As if he could sense her discomfort, he squared his shoulders and nodded. “That’s it.” Then he slammed his fist into Stuart’s gut. Keep reading here.

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